Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Moving On

It's been a rough couple of weeks. Losing Raymond put into perspective a lot of things for me. I know I have a very short time on this earth and I am determined to make the best of it. I am grateful for the wonderful and supportive people around me and for reconnecting with past friends whose paths are shockingly parallel to mine. I am also grateful about the future, making plans to go to Q4U with old friends to remember Raymond, arranging with the Rollins' Mom to be the one to cut my hair for Locks of Love, and just getting in touch again.

I have received over $200 for Huntsman Cancer, so I am about half way to my goal of $500. My old boss at eBay contributed $100 and so did Denise! I couldn't believe it! THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!!!!!

My incense business is starting to take off. The samples I have distributed have been very well received, I have finalized my product line, designed my logos, finalized my blends, I have purchased RisingGoddessScents.com and the webmaster is designing the website. I put in my application for a vendor at Pride Day, I have a list of the Farmer's Markets and people who would like to distribute the line. It's almost like Christmas, watching the packages come every day with supplies of essential oil or bags or labels... plus, my house smells really really good when I make my incense.

I have two body product lines I will be distributing - one exclusively. I am so excited to see the handmade soaps, lotions, oils, salts, lip balms and other treats that come out of it.

I am also excited for the Bridal Shower I am giving for Dawnita. The invitations went out and the day they were received, I got many phone calls to compliment me just on the invitation. These are the ones I had made - no two are the same. It's going to be a beautiful shower.

We invited a new kitty into our house recently, a little short haired black and white named Baby. Sarah brought her home - she needed a place to go. Okay, I thought 5 cats were bad, but 6 is almost too much!!! We might be trying to find a home for a few because there's just waaay too many in our little house. Baby is getting her shots and getting fixed (we just went through her first heat - OHMIGAWD) and then we will probably look for a permanent home for her.

We have started the planning of the big Sarah event - celebrating her 18th birthday and her graduation. We took her to the Melting Pot to celebrate and we had a total blast. We rode the Trax downtown, which is an adventure in itself, with drunken people and smelly people... wow. She's officially 18 and a lot smarter than I was. I never thought I would say "Yeah, why don't you guys get a hotel room for graduation night..." She wants to party and have a good time, but doesn't want to drive. Hell, I am fine with a hotel room, as long as I know where she is, and she's not on the road, you know?

I haven't heard officially on the permanent position for ADP although I am the only temp left in the department (they let the others go on Friday). I am told I will be getting a phone call from HR this week with the official offer, and I am told the salary range will be about 30% more than I have ever made before, which is a fantastic thing. This will probably enable us to pay off our debts and start our house hunting.

Well, back to work I go. Hope you have a fantastic day!


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