Saturday, August 25, 2001

G U I L T Y!!!!!!!

The verdict for one of the three men accused of Marc's death came back on Thursday and he was found GUILTY of first degree murder, drug related offenses and weapons offenses. 'Rene called me Thursday night, and I can't think of a moment before that call that I have taken a full, complete breath since Marc was killed. The "shooter" plead out, so there won't be a trial for that miserable piece of shit. The third man goes on trial in October. Just get through October...

I will be moving my tribute page to Marc to a new site as of September. Not sure where yet, but if you care to look, go Here and find the link to Marc's Page. I am still looking for those pics of Spring Fling THAT was a hoot! And very memorable for all.

Lorene, you have been so strong for all of us. Toni is right, it is time to mourn. Some of us Virgos around here mourn every single day for those we have lost. You, on the other hand, give us the shoulder we need to help us relinquish our emotion and turn it to the universe to hear our prayers. Thursday, all our prayers were answered. And you have been the answer to MY prayers for a true friend to lean upon and share with when Marc died. Gods willing, we will all get through this with the certain knowledge that justice, in whatever form, will be done, and the road to peace will begin. I love you, honey. It's time for you, now.


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