Friday, August 10, 2007

Bingo and Hot Dogs

Well, it looks like Lindi and I will be joining the Scuderi's and some other wild and crazy people at Bingo with the Cyber Sluts tonight! First of all, I love bingo. Second, when you play with a bunch of gay people in a Baptist Church to raise money for Youth Programs and your Emcee's are drag queens - talk about a FABULOUS TIME! HELL-OOO!!

There should be hot dogs and other eatables when we get there and we'll just have a fun night out.

Looks like Lindi and I will also be able to get away for our anniversary out to Wendover, which should be fun. I was worried about that since we were moving to this new pilot, but my vacation was approved, thank goodness.

Work is going well, home is going well, life is just going well. I am excited for my Pampered Chef Book Party in September as well as Margarita Party in October. This ought to be a blast. Plus, I can get stuff for Christmas Presents. We're already shopping, we really want to enjoy this Christmas.

My mom and I are going to be taking 2 days a week to get her out of the house and go to the Therapy pool at Pioneer Valley. She doesn't like public pools, and with her health in decline, she needs to be in a controlled environment, so I'll be taking her to PVH. They have great therapists there and I think it will do her good to get out of the house, as well as me to spend more time with Mom. :)

Well, back to work. Hope your weekend is fantastic!


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