Saturday, March 08, 2003

216 DAYS until OCTOBER 10, 2003

Spending Friday evening with Jenn and Dee, dipping fondue and playing a game that, according to Dee I "suck" at, really put the wind back in my sails. It is heartening to see Sarah and Lindi so comfortable with my friends and be able to relax in such a positive place. I am very proud of Jenn, finally getting the raise she so richly deserves and turning her life completely around to the positive. And Dee... hell, Dee just makes me laugh and laugh.

I have come to an interesting place this morning. I feel very under-whelmed. I realize there's a lot to do, but I have given the reigns to the universe because there are things I cannot control. I can't really start my plans until I have a date, and then I can start picking and matching and buying. And, truly, it doesn't matter if we are in shorts and a T shirt at an Arby's drive thru... whatever happens will be what's meant to happen and will be perfect becase we will be together. So, until then, I will relax and enjoy the "pre wedded bliss" with Lin and Sarah.

Speaking of Ms. Sarah, school is going better for her. She has taken the initiative and is getting some after-school tutoring by her favorite female teacher at her school. This wonderful history teacher offered tutoring to any of her students in any subject. Most of Sarah's classmates are taking advantage of the extra help. This was brought on by the 'F' Sarah currently has at midterm for science. When Lindi went to PT conference this past week, she noticed in the science teachers grade book that not ONE student had above a 50% in her class, and not one student had completed all of the last 9 assignments. Odd. Then she visited this angel history teacher. The history teacher asked if she could see Sarah's report card, and then told Lindi it was as she thought. Apparently, she sees kids like Sarah with all A's and B's and then a D or an F in this teacher's science class. So, she has made it her personal crusade to help these kids out, as well as mention it to the administration. It is teachers like this that make me feel a little better about the public school system. I think I'll bring her a plant or something. Sarah is already ahead of her assignments by a week and has completed three extra credit projects. Way to go! Oh, and we are going to start Tae Bo. I am gonna die.

So, this weekend is calm and safe, staying mostly at home, helping the Mom, shopping for Mom, watching DVD's (heh heh). Lin has to work today and tomorrow, but she stayed over my place Wednesday (Sarah spent the evening at church with Gma for Ash Wednesday) and I stayed over there Thursday night. So, we got a weekend in there somewhere. Sarah is giving up chocolate for Lent, Lindi said she liked sinning, so she is gonna vow to drink more water, and I don't have to worry about it for another week since Greek Orthodox lent starts next week. I am thinking about giving up all sweets... cookies, candy.. all of it except like sorbet and fruit things. Still contemplating. Or all fast food, which might make lunch hard since I only get 30 minutes. I guess I can take my lunch with me.

What are YOU giving up for Lent? Don't answer, Toni, I know you're a heathen... heh heh heh.

Comittment Certificates

Doing a little search on the web, I found this place that will print a Certificate of Committment for Lindi and I. It sounds rather interesting, although I am sure Shane could design something better. Interesting thought, though.


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