Friday, April 16, 2004

So I'm a little fucking late.......

This week has been hell. I just now walked through the door, poured myself a healthy snifter of Ardbeg, and sat down to write before I get bitched at. I have a lot I want to write about, too. Which post should I put here? My laughfest that Air America and the O'Franken Factor got the boot in half their markets? That would be a fun one. What the hell does he expect, though? When your target demographic is the unemployed hippie, you can't expect to be able to pay your bills.

Maybe I should write about the latest events in Massachusetts. Mitt Romney introduced legislation that would allow him to plead a stay of the SC's ruling on homo marriage until it went to a public vote. Another coalition has started a movement to have Margaret Marshall removed from the SC, which is legal. Neither is likely to amount to much. Romney's makes the most sense.

If I knew how to post pictures here, I'd post a great one I found about getting engaged. A laugh would be nice.

Hmmmmmm, decisions decisions.

Drink of the day: Ardbeg
CD on the Playa: TATU


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