Thursday, August 14, 2003

And So it Goes...

Still no luck on the job front, but I have a couple of interviews. Both of the jobs I was in the running for didn't pan out at all, but I am still trodding along. I may have to take a part-time gig just to get work and go from there. Lindi is so supportive, it's amazing. I just wish I had more confidence in myself. I had a bit of a bad stretch, not getting out of bed for 2 or 3 days at a time, and Lindi just let me be, then promptly kicked my ass in gear when I needed it. It's hard to be excited about our wedding when I can't support myself, let alone help pay for all the things left to do. But, through it all, she's there supporting and reassuring me that no matter what, it'll all work out. Send me your positive energy!!!

Last Tuesday, Sarah blew out BOTH her knees and she ended up having both knees scoped on Monday. She's doing remarkably well now, taking short walks down the hall. Today, she even walked without her crutches, much to my surprise. Her pain control has been great, but it does hurt, and she doesn't want to walk. Can't say as I blame her. So, I guess my little stint of unemployment came at a good time, since I've been able to be there for her without much trouble. Thanks to Lorene and Jenn for checking in on us, sorry if I've been flakey - nursemaiding a 14 year old is tough!

It's hard to believe that Lindi and I have been together a year, it has flown by so fast. Lindi gave me the most beautiful anniversary ring, 14 karat white gold band with a quarter-karat pear-shaped sapphire and four diamonds on each side. I wanted to have a sapphire somewhere in my wedding band, but she thought my sapphire needed a ring all it's own. It's almost identical to a ring we saw when we took our first trip together to Park City. I can't believe she remembered it. It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. And to think I got her the South Park First Season DVD for her anniversary present. Gawd, I suck. Actually, she adored it. I guess I did something right!

Invitations are printed, addressed, RSVP's printed, envelopes stuffed, we've registered and now we are just waiting for our portraits to be done. We're having a photo session on Sunday up Big Cottonwood canyon. I am really happy about that. Shane, we are going with Cipia-tone pictures, but we're also taking some in color, just to see what we like best. The photographer is donating her services to expand her portfolio and charging us cost for everything. Can't beat that. Now if I can just get the catering squared away.


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